It is the vision of WAHF to establish a Specialist Tertiary Care Medical Center at Juaben in the Ashanti region of Ghana. This will be a 250-bed “green” facility with high tech infrastructure and state-of-the-art equipment that will be patient-centered and provide compassionate care in a serene and invigorating environment.
This vision is in consonance with the Government of Ghana and the Ministry of Health’s key policy directive of focusing on development led by the private sector through increased emphasis on the use of non-government and private health providers.

Long Term Objectives
To establish a state-of-the-art Specialist Tertiary Medical Center of Excellence. The proposed Center shall be constructed in phases. The initial phase shall see to the establishment of an Eye Institute. The other Specialist Hospitals shall be phased in with time.
To make world-class, quality healthcare affordable to the people of Ghana, as well as the West African sub-region. The Foundation also aims to improve the human condition at the center of an academic culture devoted to excellence in health education, patient care, basic science, clinical and medicinal plant research.
The Hospital of Excellence shall provide:
Post-graduate training and capacity building for healthcare providers of Ghana and the sub-region
Information –Communication Technology (ICT) and Distance Learning Center
Dedicated Facility to conduct workshops, forums, conferences and other educational programs in collaboration with existing local, regional and international educational and healthcare institutions
Research Center - the Foundation shall participate in research in basic science, epidemiology, medicinal plants, food/nutrition and clinical studies
International Volunteer Network: WAHF will actively seek affiliation with international healthcare institutions, agencies and health professionals
This facility will serve also as a referral center for the various clinics, hospitals in the Ashanti Region, rest of Ghana and the West African sub-region.
Short Term Objectives
To adopt and support an existing health facility and village in a rural area in Ghana. This will include but are not limited to recruiting volunteer faculty, procuring medical equipment and supplies for the adopted health facility, and malaria prevention and control. Some infra-structural improvements of the health facility shall also be made at the expense of the Foundation when deemed necessary, after consultation with the appropriate governing authorities.
To engage in local and public community outreach programs to disseminate information about health, environment, nutrition, personal hygiene and sanitation To participate in research such as epidemiological studies and disease prevention in Ghana.
WAHF aims to promote health through Wellness Education and Disease Prevention. This will be done through unrestricted, comprehensive medical and public health outreach interventions and educational programs that cover the following: